MichelleBell(Link is external), Yale Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of the Environment, michelle.bell@yale.edu: air pollution and human health by integrating several disciplines, such as environmental engineering and epidemiology
CarolCarpenter(Link is external), Yale Department of Anthropology and Yale School of the Environment, carol.carpenter@yale.edu: the relationship between human societies and the environment, sustainable development, agriculture and natural resources
MichaelDove(Link is external), Yale Department of Anthropology and Yale School of the Environment, michael.dove@yale.edu: sustainable development and resource use, biodiversity and human society, resource-based linkages of local communities to global systems, the study of developmental and environmental institutions, discourses and movements, the sociology of resource-related societies
MenachemElimelech(Link is external), Yale Departments of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering and Yale School of the Environment, menachem.elimelech@yale.edu: physicochemical and biophysical processes in engineered and natural environmental systems, water, sanitation, and public health in developing countries
WalterJetz(Link is external), Yale Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, walter.jetz@yale.edu: biogeography, community ecology, landscape ecology, macroecology, global change, evolution, biodiversity informatics and conservation
WilliamLauenroth(Link is external), Yale School of the Environment, william.lauenroth@yale.edu: plant population and community ecology; ecohydrology, ecosystem ecology, and the effects of projected climate change on plant communities and ecosystems
PeterPerdue(Link is external), Yale Department of History, peter.perdue@yale.edu: modern Chinese and Japanese social and economic history, history of frontiers, agricultural development and environmental history
StephenPitti(Link is external), Yale Department of History and of American Studies; Director, Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity and Transnational Migration, stephen.pitti@yale.edu: Latino Studies, Ethnic Studies, Western History, 20th-century immigration, civil rights, and related subjects
DavidPost(Link is external), Yale Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, david.post@yale.edu: community and ecosystem ecology, food-web structure in aquatic systems, environmental change, landscape linkages, eco-evolutionary dynamics
James E.Saiers(Link is external), Yale Department of Chemical Engineering and Yale School of the Environment, james.saiers@yale.edu: hydrology, geochemistry, chemical engineering, circulation of water and the movementof waterborne chemicals in surface and subsurface environments
OswaldSchmitz(Link is external), Yale Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Yale School of the Environment, oswald.schmitz@yale.edu: terrestrial food-webs, natural system resilience, how plant-herbivore interactions are mediated by carnivores and soil nutrient levels
DavidSkelly(Link is external), Yale Department of Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Yale School of the Environment, david.skelly@yale.edu: ecology and dynamics and fate of animal populations and communities around two main themes- emerging diseases and population responses to dynamic landscapes
CarlaStaver(Link is external), Yale Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, carla.staver@yale.edu: empirical and theoretical approaches to explore the dynamics and distributions of biomes, with a special focus on tropical savanna and forest
PeterSwenson(Link is external), Yale Department of Political Science and Institute for Social and Policy Studies, peter.swenson@yale.edu: comparative political economy of labor markets, social welfare, health care, and environmental politics in Europe and the United States.
JohnWarner(Link is external), Yale Department of History of Medicine (Chair), American Studies, and History, john.warner@yale.edu: cultural and social history of medicine in the U.S. from the early19th century to the present, professional identity, education, clinical practice, the visual cultures of medicine, and transnational and transcultural comparison
HarveyWeiss(Link is external), Yale Departments of Near Eastern Languages and Anthropology, harvey.weiss@yale.edu: Mesopotamia, early agriculture, cities and empires, paleoclimatology and environmental change
JulieZimmerman(Link is external), Yale Department of Chemical Engineering and Yale School of the Environment ,julie.zimmerman@yale.edu: green engineering, environmentally benign design and manufacturing, the fate and impacts of anthropogenic compounds in the environment, water treatment technology in the developing world