The senior thesis is the culmination of the Environmental Studies Major for both BA and BS degree programs. Students produce an original research essay that aligns with their concentration.
The Senior Colloquium
In the EVST program, all seniors must enroll in the senior colloquium, EVST 496, for either one or two terms, during which time students complete their senior theses. The EVST senior colloquium is designed to provide an environment in which students can receive regular guidance about the senior thesis research and writing process from their colloquium instructors. Students must secure a primary advisor before they enroll in the senior colloquium.
- BS Program: Students enroll in two semesters of EVST 496.
- BA Program: Students enroll in one semester of EVST 496. Two-term theses require DUS permission.
Students completing their senior essay in the EVST program receive guidance not only from the colloquium instructors, but also from a primary thesis advisor.
- Primary Advisor: a Yale faculty advisor with experience or expertise in the student’s essay topic, who must agree to advise the senior essay before the student enrolls in the senior colloquium.
- Colloquium Instructors: instructors who teach the EVST senior colloquium, during which they guide enrolled students through the research and writing process.
All students enrolled in EVST 496 will automatically be assigned to a colloquium instructor, but students must independently secure a primary advisor prior to enrolling in EVST 496.
Finding a Primary Advisor
Your Primary Advisor must be a Yale faculty member but does not need to have an affiliation with EVST.
Tips for Finding an Advisor:
- Start early, ideally in junior year
- Take seminars with potential advisors
- Explore faculty research labs, for laboratory-based essays
- Consult our list of recent senior essays, and identify several recent advisors whose interests may overlap with yours
- Review potential advisors’ publications and courses
- Meet faculty to discuss ideas and get project suggestion
The Essay
- BS Theses: Students gather original data through lab or field research or analyze existing datasets with novel questions.
- BA Theses: Students collect and analyze evidence relevant to their research. Examples include laws, regulations, judicial decisions, interviews, surveys, participant observation, and archival or textual analyses.
Research Funding
- The Summer Environmental Fellowship funds senior essay research during the summer.
- Seniors may also apply for funding for senior essay research expenses. Details are available in the Senior Essay Handbook.