First name: Santana
Last name: Vannarath
Class Year: 2024
Essay Abstract:
Choreographing about climate change is something that is relatively new, but not completely unexplored, in the dance world. Because of its newness, it is expected that the cannon of climate choreographies has its shortcomings in how effective it is in addressing climate change and engaging audiences. In this essay, I describe the process of developing Extractions, an original dance concert that aims to address climate change through dance in new and exciting ways. First, I provide a literature review that surveys both the current canon of climate choreographies as well as the current literature in climate-change communications. Then, I share insights from my choreographic process. After this, I conclude with remarks and observations from the final performances of Extractions. Ultimately, I argue that choreography about climate change must expand its thematic and stylistic diversity, and in doing so, focus less on human-nature relationships, and more on the human social systems at the root of the climate crisis.