Kroon Hall

Yale 5-Year Programs

YSE 5-Year Program

Yale 5-year Programs

BA-BS/MEM OR MESc 5-Year Program at the School of the Environment 

The program is designed to provide well-prepared Yale College students with accelerated graduate training in environmental science, management, and policy. Graduates from the School’s master’s degree programs have become highly successful leaders within government, corporations, non-profit organizations, and academia.

All Yale College students pursuing either a BA or BS degree in Yale College are eligible to apply for either a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) or Master of Environmental Science (MESc) degree, regardless of major. Normally the School awards master’s degrees following two years of graduate study and admission is offered only to those holding a bachelors degree. This program accelerates the master’s degree program through careful integration of undergraduate curriculum with graduate requirements. Yale College students interested in the 5-year joint degree program should apply to the program at the end of the fall semester of their senior year, or in the two years immediately following graduation.

Learn more here.

BA-BS/MPP 5-Year Program at the Jackson School of Global Affairs 

The five-year BA-BS/MPP degree program in global affairs offers Yale College students interested in the field of global affairs the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree from Yale College and an MPP degree from the Jackson School of Global Affairs in a five-year joint program.

In their four years of Yale College enrollment, students complete a standard Yale College major. Students who are on track to complete their major and degree requirements, as stipulated by Yale College, may count up to four Jackson School-approved course credits toward their MPP degree.

Students accepted into the program must complete a total of 12 course credits, including Jackson’s core courses. At least two of those core courses must be taken during the student’s senior year at Yale College. It is also required that students demonstrate proficiency in a modern language (L4) and complete an approved summer internship or project. Students must maintain a grade average of High Pass (HP) with at least two Honors (H) grades. All students must complete Jackson’s non-credit leadership and ethics training workshop, which takes place in August before the beginning of their fifth year.

During the fifth year, students are in full-time residence at the Jackson School of Global Affairs and must complete at least eight course credits. All students must meet with the assistant dean for graduate education to map out their curriculum. 

Learn more here.

BA-BS/MPH 5-year Program at the School of Public Health

In their four years of Yale College enrollment, students complete a standard Yale College major which consists of at least 36 course credits; 32 of which must be Yale College undergraduate approved courses credits. Two of those Yale College courses may be counted as electives towards the MPH degree requirements. These electives must be on the list of approved courses.

The remaining 4 course credits of the required 36 for a Yale College degree are typically taken at YSPH in order to fulfill the MPH degree requirements. Students may take additional YSPH courses while at Yale College, as long as they complete the required 32 undergraduate courses. 

Students complete a public health internship during the summer between the fourth and fifth years of the BA-BS/MPH Program. Students are in full-time residence at the School of Public Health during their fifth year in the program, during which time they complete their remaining required courses and the master’s thesis. In order to complete the program and fulfill YSPH’s residency requirements, students must take at least 10 course units during their fifth year in the program.

Learn more here.