Mikaele Ymker

Mikaele Ymker

Peer Mentor
EVST BS '25, Food and Agriculture

Mikaele is pursuing the Food and Agriculture concentration in the EVST BS degree. Hailing from New Zealand, Mikaele is passionate about building sustainable global agrifood systems through connecting science, policy, and innovation. She has worked with agriculture technology startups including Halter NZ, which uses intelligent farm management systems to improve animal welfare, productivity, and environmental outcomes for livestock farmers, and Symbrosia, a Yale-founded startup using sustainable seaweed production to mitigate agricultural methane emissions. Last summer, Mikaele pursued research in sustainable agricultural metrics at Oxford University. This past summer, Mikaele interned at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, working to update the methodology of the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM), a spatially-explicit global model for indicating opportunities to improve environmental outcomes in livestock production. Outside of her work, you can find Mikaele dancing with the ballroom team, hanging out with the Equestrian team horses, or curled up with her knitting and a good book!

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