Past Event: Yale Center on Climate Change and Health (YCCCH) Summer Internship Program
This event has passed.
Matches Yale Students with meaningful internships related to climate change and health research and practice. Available to Environmental Studies majors (non-graduating).
- Climate Psychiatry Alliance Ecopsychepedia: Mobilizing knowledge on
climate change and mental health - Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Assessing Climatic and Environmental Determinants of the Spatial Distribution and
Abundance of the Two Important Vectors of Public Health Concern, Blacklegged Tick and Lone Star Tick, in Connecticut - Megafire Action | Translating wildfire science for policymakers to
foster healthy smoke-resilient communities - East Shore District Health Department Tracking Sources of Bacterial Contamination in Coastal Connecticut Megafire Action Translating wildfire science for policymakers to foster healthy smoke-resilient communities
- Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate Climate and Health in the 406
- NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Collaborative Solutions for Outdoor Workers' Extreme Heat Relief
- NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Public Trust in Public Health, Government and Climate Health
- NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice Street Vendor Electrification Outreach and Data Collection
- Save the Sound Climate and Resilience Report Card
For questions about specific internships, contact
For questions about funding these fellowships, contact
Details here.