Treston Codrington EVST ’18 is a public engagement professional!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Treston Codrington

Treston Codrington

Treston Codrington EVST ’18, Urban Environment concentration, is a public engagement professional specializing in developing processes for communities to meaningfully partner with scientists and decision makers to determine development priorities and identify pathways to action. After graduating from Yale, Treston worked as a Public Engagement Fellow at Public Agenda where he continued his research from his time at Yale focused on the role of citizens in developing urban environmental resilience.

He currently serves as the Director of the Clean Corps program at the Baltimore City Department of Planning, an initiative that helps clean some of Baltimore’s most disadvantaged communities and opens career paths in waste management for returning citizens, justice system-involved youth, and similarly marginalized populations in Baltimore City. “I love working with people who are passionate about improving where they live and elevating previously excluded voices to participate and be heard in rooms they never dreamed of entering.”

His senior essay, ‘A House Divided: The Meaning of Community Formation and Environmental Engagement for Effective Hurricane Recovery Efforts in Canarsie, Brooklyn’, was advised by John Wargo.