Yale Farm

Food & Agriculture

The creation of our global food supply is essential for human life and health, yet it takes a significant toll on the environment, and contributes substantially to climate change. 

  • Regulation of Food Safety
  • Agriculture & Subsidies: policy and economic impacts
  • Deforestation for Agricultural Development: global case studies
  • Food Systems & Climate Change
  • Food & Plastics: packaging, waste, and environmental impacts
  • Gender & Agriculture: roles, equity, and empowerment
  • Agricultural industry consolidation and ownership
  • Globalization of Diets: Loss of Cultural Distinctiveness
  • Diet & Health: Cancer, Diabetes, CV Disease, Obesity
  • International Trade and food systems
  • Sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices
  • Food security and access in urban and rural environments
  • Pesticides and agriculture
  • Biocides

- Bachelor of Science (BS): Emphasizes social, anthropological, political and economic aspects of
food systems
- Bachelor of Arts (BA): Focuses more on scientific and technical aspects of food production,
agriculture, and health

  • Food policy development and analysis
  • Sustainable agriculture management
  • Government Regulatory Agencies (EPA, USDA, FDA, DHHS)
  • Environmental management in public and private sectors
  • Food and agricultural law
  • Sustainable food systems consulting
  • Non-profit organizations focused on food security and sustainable agriculture
  • International development agencies
  • Food industry innovation and sustainability roles

Suggested Coursework

Students in the Food & Agriculture Concentration must complete six courses of their choosing related to food and agriculture.

See our list of suggested courses

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